The Secret Space | Yoga Classes | Holistic Therapies | Hertford, Hertfordshire

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Yoga For Teens

Yoga Warriors is our Teen Yoga Class which takes place every week (term-time only) at The Secret Space. We caught up with Becky who teaches the class to find out more.

Why did you start teaching teens yoga?  

I am a long term lover of Yoga and love teaching Yoga warriors in response to difficulties I experienced as a young adult myself before I found yoga. I was in my 20s I always wished I had found it sooner. In those days I would have appreciated the safe, non-judgemental space and being treated as a person. I hope that’s what we offer here.

What changes have you witnessed in your students? 

In addition to more strength, flexibility and trust in the body, what stands out is growth in confidence and the appreciation of a place where they can really relax and let go, especially at the end of class when there is time spent laying down. No phone,  no school pressures for that one hour they can switch off.

Why is Teen Yoga needed now more than ever? 

I don’t know the stats, but there is a crisis for children and especially young people’s mental health and it’s known that though working with the breath and body, Yoga supports young people in building resilience, managing difficult emotions and developing compassion for themselves and others. The sense of community and being with an instructor who is not a parent or teacher measuring their ability. As a yoga therapist I weave many of the skills I teach clients into the class.

What would you say to a Teen that is new to Yoga?

I would say to anyone new, come along and give it a go, have fun, yoga is about you, completely non-competitive.

It is a welcoming and inclusive class and I involve the students in decisions and regularly check in to see how everyone is doing. Last year’s group came up with the name for the class actually and we have kept it as ‘Yoga Warriors’.

To bring the benefits of yoga to your teen, contact your child’s school to book an appointment with us.