The Secret Space | Yoga Classes | Holistic Therapies | Hertford, Hertfordshire

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Beginner’s Yoga with Gill

By Evie Jennings

Gillian is one of our lovely yoga teachers here at The Secret Space. Her beginners yoga classes are ideal for people new to yoga. I took the time to speak with Gillian and get some more insight about her course which is specifically designed for those who wish to continue progressing their practice and for those who are relatively new beginners to yoga. 

1. How does your course cater to beginners? 

The course covers the fundamentals of the 8 limbs of yoga and will introduce students to pranayama, (the breathing techniques of yoga), meditation, and relaxation practices as well as asana practice, (the postures in yoga). We will explore key asanas that would be typical in many of the classes offered at The Secret Space with the aim that students understand and are confident, to progress on. I will be closely observing students throughout and, where permitted, use a hands-on approach to guide students in terms of alignment and experiencing asana. 

2. Are there any types of yoga that are better for complete beginners? 

I believe that it is better to advise individuals after understanding whether they have injuries or what their flexibility, strength and stamina are before directing them to a particular type of class. I have some students who, though are beginners, are very flexible and would be capable of taking a Vinyasa class and there are some that would really benefit from Iyengar in terms of understanding their bodies and alignment more fully. I would steer them away initially from an advanced class until they have been coming regularly or practising frequently. 

3. What are the benefits of yoga for a beginner? 

Yoga has a multitude of benefits, it is calming for the mind, pranayama helps enormously with this. It improves strength and flexibility and promotes a sense of inner peace and tranquillity. It is also fantastic in reducing stress and improves quality of sleep. 

4. Do you have any advice on how to get the best out of your course? 

The best outcome is for students to attend in person ideally as you benefit from the hands-on teaching and observation directly and the harmonious atmosphere of the group, especially when we chant. Many students chat amongst themselves before and after the class and there is a lovely feeling of being part of something new. 

Interested in taking this course? 

Click here to book yourself (or a loved one) into Gillian’s beginners yoga course