The Secret Space | Yoga Classes | Holistic Therapies | Hertford, Hertfordshire

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Meet Claire

By Evie Jennings

Claire is one of our reiki teachers and is our myofascial release therapist. As well as offering general MFR, Claire offers both Women’s Health and Men’s Health treatment, utilising recognised myofascial release techniques to treat pelvic pain, pelvic floor tightness and the associated symptoms. I had a little chat with Claire to get some more information about MFR and what it entails.

1. What is myofascial release?

“We are all familiar with the phrase “stress is stored in the body”. The fascia is physiologically where stress of all kinds is held, and it can cause havoc, both physically, and also emotionally. Tension in the body can have a big impact on our emotional health, energy levels and general attitude to life and vice versa emotional stress causes pain and restriction in the physical tissues. Holding on so tightly is hard work!

Myofascial Release is a gentle, hands on, whole body therapy that works to address the cause of your condition rather than just the symptoms. By listening to you and how you feel, assessing the alignment in the body, and tracking the restriction patterns held in the connective tissue system (the fascia), gentle treatment techniques are applied to release these long held patterns. This then allows the body and mind to find healthier, more functional ways of be-ing thus reducing pain, tension and stress, and improving flexibility, resilience and functionality on every level.”

2. What’s the difference between myfascial release and a massage?

“Myofascial Release is a responsive treatment, working with you as you are on that day at that time. The techniques used in MFR tend to be held longer than those used in massage, working to allow the fibres of the fascia to release themselves, rather than forcing or manipulating them to do so.’

‘It is understood that the fascia acts as the physical memory bank of the body, often remembering far more about what we have been through than our minds do. Myofascial Release works on the principle that the long held restriction patterns affecting our systems require time and presence to enable them to release effectively. The emotional, mental and sociological factors that may be contributing to your symptoms are also taken into account. This way of working looks at the whole picture, aiming to safely release these stuck patterns in a way which is sustainable.”

3. How do I know if I need myofascial release?

“Most people could benefit from Myofascial Release. We all pick up fascial restrictions through day to day life, whether it be through accidents, injury, trauma (physical or emotional) or through things like sitting with bad posture. These patterns get stuck in the body and then cause pain, limited movement and tension. Emotional stresses and trauma can also lead to restrictions in the connective tissue and subsequent symptoms. Myofascial Release is often sought by those who haven’t found relief through other forms of treatment and those with chronic conditions.”

4. Does myofascial release hurt?

“Generally speaking, myofascial release techniques done with the John Barnes approach are gentle so do not hurt in themselves. However, sometimes, as sensations from the tissue memory come up to be released, there will be what is called “therapeutic pain.” This is the sensations that have been locked in the fascial network that sometimes need to be felt on their way out of the system. An important point is that you are always in charge of your session and if any sensations coming up feel too much, you can ask to stop or ease up and that’s what will happen. Sometimes that’s a big part of the healing process; regaining self-leadership and speaking up for what you need. Therapeutic pain is not injurious; recipients of MFR often describe it as “good pain”... It feels like it needs to be felt.”

Claire passionately believes that healing is an art, and that to help others heal, we must be creative in our approach, open to inspiration and intuition, and willing to be present with whatever shows up, whether we judge it to be pretty or not. Each of us is a unique expression of the artistry of the Universe, and should be treated with the reverence such exquisiteness deserves.

Find out more about Claire here or book a treatment with Claire here.